“It is a teaching that tell me not to look outside myself for happiness, it teaches that we all have limitless ability and can become a very happy person!”
Beruf: Student Geburtsjahr: 1981
Wurzeln: Thailand
“My name is Peraphan. I was born in Chiang Mai, a city in the north of Thailand. I have been living alone in Europe since I was thirteen years old; my parents sent me to study in England. After I graduated from a university, I worked as a transport engineer. I designed and improved roads and traffic junctions. I am now studying at Technical university of Vienna on sustainable transport planning. I want to help solving transport problems and to make a better city for everyone. I believe it is important to care for our environment, it is equal to caring for ourselve. It is difficult but we should try our best!
In my free time I ride bicycle, read book and practise Buddism. I have learnt a lot about life and how to live it to the best I can with Buddism. It is a teaching that tell me not to look outside myself for happiness, it teaches that we all have limitless ability and can become a very happy person!”
Kontakt mit dem Projektteam aufnehmen projektXchange@roteskreuz.at